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Please help us grow our community. Your donations are greatly appreciated!
Click "Preview" in your Editor to see how it works.
Other Methods
CashApp: $Asipofparadisegarden
Venmo: @asipofparadisegarden
Mail in Donation:
A Sip of Paradise Garden
P.O. Box 10946
Atlanta, GA 30310
With your help we can do these things
$ 15 Rakes
$15 Shovels
$30 Wind Chime
$ 50 Bird Feeder
$50 Plant Markers
$75 Bird Feeder
$75 Sponsor a membership
$125 Solar Walkway Lights
$175 Push Lawn Mower with Grass Catcher
$200 Electric Tiller
$ 225 Electric Leaf Blower with Bag
$ 250 Annual Shrubs and Flowers
$ 275 Annual Vegetables, Fruits and Herbs
$300 Large Ceramic Planters
$300 Garden Stools
$300 Park Style Benches
$400 Cafe String Lights and Lanterns
$400 Fire Pit
$500 Garden Boarders
$500 Volunteer Day
$4,500 Full Month of Programming
$10 - $100,000 Investment into our 2 newest properties to be developed
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